Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Hedge the Wedge!!!

I have been telling subscribers of Beat the Market Stock Picks to hedge the wedge.  

When wedges form in bear markets they usually break to the downside with the latest wedge forming in gold.  

Gartman jumped on the band wagon today although he is a little late to the party, but that is okay.  Welcome to the bear camp on POG Gartman.

 I don't think 2011 is the end of this cyclebut unmet expectations regarding QE3, the ECB monetizing and then a huge fear trade component are all unwinding POG at once.

With no one fearful about a liquidity event in Europe anymore, not much monetizing going on and deflation fears very real across the globe...

What reason is there to be bullish right now?  


Gold initial breakdown...

Gap gets filled down to $1600... overshoot on downside target.. .never a good sign.

Multi-year trendline topping formation continues into November with a second definitive lower high.

Last warning on Sunday afternoon... Hello?!?!?!?  Get Out!

Saturday, October 29, 2011


CAP-EX Targets MONSTER 4Bt Iron Ore

Resource in the Labrador Trough!!!

Cap-Ex Ventures CEV-V $0.57

Shares Out… 43.7
Fully Diluted… 58M
Market Cap… $25M

Initial exploration on Block 103 has been highly successful this summer for Cap-Ex Ventures.

Drilling the very large magnetic anomaly on Block 103 has outlined a huge magnetite deposit 12km in strike length that covers an area of 16 square kilometers and averages 75 meters in thickness. These early results from Block 103 suggest that CEV is in the early stages of defining one of the largest grassroots iron ore discoveries in the Labrador Trough in 40 years. Block 103 is a potential 4Bt monster at 30% Fe and has the potential to be bigger than New Millenium’s NML KeMag iron ore deposit, a 3.4Bt resource at 31% Fe set to produce 22Mt per year once in production by 2017.

So far the potential on Block 103 is HUGE with Cap-Ex defining a mineralized area over 16km.

(16,000m * 1000m) *( 75m) = 1.2B metric tonnes times a density of 3.3 makes Block 103 into a potential 3.96Bt monster with an average grade of all intersections of 30.37%.

This puts CEV on par with some of the biggest deposits planned for production in the Labrador Trough over the next decade, including New Millenium’s huge deposits to the south and north just west of Block 103. KeMag has a net present value of $5.4B with after tax cash flows attributable to NML (36%) estimated to between $250M - $300M per year.

CEV’s Block 103 is turning into a world class iron ore project. 17 holes have tested the magnetite formation with results of 8 holes announced and the assays of the 9 balance of the holes due out over the next couple of months. Initial metallurgical tests show a concentrate between 68% -70% Fe and a low silica content of about 4%.

Results from 8 holes on Block 103…
1. #103-7…. 158.86m @ 31.2% Fe
2. #103-8…. 118.26m @ 28.6% Fe
3. #103-9…. 74.32m @ 29.5% Fe
4. #103-32… 84.05m @ 31.9% Fe
5. #103-23… 159.9m @ 31.3% Fe
6. #103-25… 87.37m @ 29.9% Fe
7. #103-27… 127.11m @ 29.6% Fe
8. #103-28… 125.13m @ 30.4% Fe

Results so far point to an average grade of 30.4% Fe over an average interval of 117 meters!!!

Intersections of 9 holes pending…
  • 175.87m
  • 25.56m
  • 128.78m
  • 122.51m
  • 57.87m
  • 179.62m
  • 79.88m
  • 100.28m
  • 192.03m
The latest 9 average 140 meters!!!

A 140 meter average over the last 9 holes and intersections of up to 250 meters suggest that the deposit has the potential to be much wider than 75 meters in some places and the potential for increased tonnage as the width of the orebody is better defined. Most of the deposits in the area average widths well in excess of 100 meters and from most of the recent intervals from Block 103, it looks like the majority of the deposit is closer to 100 meter thickness than 75 meters.

CEV is a must own iron ore stock

Cap-Ex Ventures is the must own iron ore stock on the market. At a $25M market cap, the valuation on this company is peanuts considering they are defining a MONSTER near Schefferville. Early indications are that Block 103 compares favorably with the biggest and best iron ore projects anywhere in the Labrador Trough including Lac Otelnuk, LabMag, and KeMag.

Block 103 has all the qualities for a World Class iron ore operation
  • It’s got tonnage
  • It’s got the grade @ 30%
  • Location, Location, Location

Block 103 will have much cheaper infrastructure costs tying into existing railway and power lines being laid for production for NML's deposits which is further away from NML's DSO operation which sandwiches Block 103 to the east. This suggests that capital costs for rail, power, and mine infrastructure will be on par or even less than KeMag and LabMag if a similar type operation were built. Capital costs when compared to a remote project like Lac Otelnuk are way less. Adrianna’s remote Lac Otelnuk requires $13B in capital to get up and running and is why ADI is targeting 50Mt production. The project is not worth the capital it requires unless 50Mt is produce annually. The project requires $2.7B for a railway alone. Block 103 has the potential to be a 20 million tonne per year iron ore producer for $4 - $4.5B capital cost giving Block 103 the edge over Lac Otelnuk and potentially even NML’s KeMag and LabMag where it is still located a bit closer to tying into existing infrastructure and will liekly come after LabMag and KeMag are in production.

CEV’s Block 103 iron ore project could potentially be worth at least $4B - $5B discounted at 8% once brought to feasibility stage.

Project Tonnage Grade Fe Production NPV Cost IRR Market Cap
New Millenium NML LabMag (36%) 5.74Bt 29.5% - - - -
KeMag (36%) 3.46Bt 31.2% 22Mt $5.4B @ $90 $4.5B 21% $300M
Adrianna ADI Lac Otelnuk (40%) 6.26Bt 29.1% ~50Mt $30B @ $100 $13B 20% $150M
Cap-Ex CEV Block 103 (100%) 3.95Bt 30.4% 20Mt* ~ $5B* $4B* >20%* $25M
Alderon ADV Kami (100%) 1.1Bt 30.2% 8Mt $3B @ $115 ~$1B 40% $231M
* ballpark

Block 103: A KeMag Carbon Copy?

CEV’s Block 103 has all the qualities an investor looks for in a potential large iron ore project and should be valued similarly to other iron ore projects such as NML’s KeMag once developed to a similar stage. The Labrador Trough is an area where production will grow from 50Mt per year to 250Mt per year in 15 years with capacity close to 400Mt per year once in full production. Lac Otelnuk, Lab Mag, and KeMag represent the cream of the crop in the Labrador Trough as far as mega iron ore projects go and Cap-Ex Ventures is defining an iron ore deposit that has similar parameters to these world class iron ore deposits.

Block 103 and KeMag are almost identical in size, grade, and location. These two projects will have similar feasibility numbers considering the grade, location and tonnage could be identical. CEV will command a similar valuation once CEV upgrades the resource and produces a feasibility study on Block 103. Generally a company trades a minimum of 5% its feasibility npv if nothing is in place regarding financing and other variables. This would infer a $200M to $250M market cap for CEV at a minimum pre financing based on a 4Bt iron ore discovery on Block 103.

NML’s prefeasibility was done in 2009 on KeMag at $90 iron ore price and puts a NPV on KeMag at $5.4B with an IRR of 21% at 8% discount producing 22MT of iron ore per year. At current iron ore prices of $150-$175 per tonne, the NPV dramatically increases to well over $10B and the IRR soars to above 40% for KeMag.

Considering the early nature, but so far highly encouraging results, CEV is extremely undervalued for the MONSTER deposit they have discovered on Block 103 this summer. CEV is fully financed and at $0.60 and a $25M market cap is ridiculously cheap considering that this company is cashed up in excess of $10M. Cap-Ex should be a $100M company on news like this and growing into a $200M - $300M market cap by the time the project is fully developed and looking for financing. This is a project that may be financed in Canada and packaged as a buyout for a one of the big miners like Vale or Rio Tinto who want to get a toe hold in this up and coming area for iron ore production.

Read original feature article on Cap-Ex Ventures below...


Christopher Skidmore

Beat the Market Stock Picks

Saturday, October 22, 2011



Commerce Resources CCE-V $0.38
Market Cap... $50M

Commerce resource released results of the first two holes from the 7,500 meter summer/fall drill program at the Ashram Zone on the Eldor Project that were successful in expanding the HREE zone first discovered last November. 

The first 2 holes assayed...
  • 92.28 meters @ 2.00% TREO @10.6% MHREE
  • 279.22 meters @ 2.06% TREO @ 7.1% MHREE
The near surface HREE zone assayed..
  • 44.56 meters grading 1.76% TREO with a 15.6% MHREE
  • 39.28 meters @ 1.62% TREO at 12.2% MHREE

These holes were drilled 50 meters NNE to discovery hole EC-47 (61 meters @ ~20%) and EC-44 (55.56 meters 15.7% MHREE) which were drilled 110 meters apart.  If you shaded in the area that the holes cover you would have at minimum a 125m long zone by 45m wide that is testing between 40m to 60m thick.  At minimum at 1Mt near surface HREE zone.  The zone looks like it has the potential to be at least a 100m wide zone by 250 long and 40 to 60 meters thick giving the potential for at least a 4Mt zone.  

At minimum the MHREE zone at Ashram is at least 1Mt near surface zone of easily accessible heavy rare earth’s with the potential to be expanded to at least a 4 - 5Mt zone upon further delineation.

The zone is at surface, is easily accessible and has all the critical HREE’s including dysprosium, terbium, europium, and yttrium.   Higher grades of neodymium are also associated with this medium and heavy rare earth zone.   What most people do not understand about Ashram is that the entire deposit is enriched with MHREE’s, just at a less percentage of the grade at around ~5.5% for the entire deposit or 0.09% HREO.  Forget the enriched zone...  that just gives CCE a very nice focal point for a pit.  What makes Ashram a contender and valid case for a rare earth mine is is that it has the complete suite of lanthanides throughout the entire deposit.  So far exploration this summer is pointing to CCE increasing the overall MHREE ratio with the next resource calculation from what appears to be drilling the richer parts of the deposit this summer.

279 meters @ 2.06% TREO with 7.1% MHREE ratio says that this deposit will produce heavy rare earths long after the near surface enriched zone is depleted.

The smart money is buying CCE right here and I am confident in calling a bottom to CCE's share price as CCE is extremely undervalued given its peers.  

Ashram should be considered a HREE deposit like Tasman, Avalon, or Quest.  Ashram has all the qualities in place to be a contender...  

  • 300Mt plus deposit potential
  • Potential reclassified as a HREE deposit >5 - 6% of TREO
  • Ashram has grade, tonnage, mining method, simple host rock
  • Complete suite of critical minerals
    • Dysprosium, Terbium, Europium, Yttrium, Neodymium
  • Potential low cost mining method
  • Near surface HREE zone with ratio between 12% - 20% of TREO
  • Quebec plan Norde
  • Extreme VALUE $50M market Cap
  • Pending metallurgy

Commerce is very cheap and this years’ summer and fall delineation program will significantly expand Ashram to one of the biggest rare earth deposits in the world with a very material at surface heavy rare earth enriched zone.   With this near surface, easily accessible HREE zone enriched with the most critical heavy rare earths that is vital into putting a dent in the Chinese monopoly over the supply chain... CCE has a deposit that will be ideal to produce rare earths from if metallurgical testing goes well.  Ashram has the potential to be a low cost producer because of potential mining method with a very low strip ratio, they have high enough grade for light rare's with economies of scale and the deposit is hosted in carbonatite, the host rock that most producing rare earth mines produce rare earths from.  

In addition to having an ideal deposit that has tonnage, grade, and the complete suite of elements,  capital costs for Ashram will be largely for processing facilities and mine construction.  A majority of the needed infrastructure in the area will be laid in place with WISCO building a large railway for Lac Otelnuk just to the west of the Eldor property and the government of Quebec going forward with Plan Norde, a highway system that will connect the communities of the northern Quebec.  

I am telling you guys… This is a Cream of the Crop story…  The cream always rises to the top. 

Read the latest news below...


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Strike Gold SRK-V

Strike Gold Corp SRK-V

Major Partnership with Canaco in Tanzania

Strike Gold Corp SRK-V is well on their way to being a premier mining exploration and development company.  Yesterday they announced a key acquisition that completes a strong portfolio of exploration assets partnering with Canaco Resources CAN-V in Tanzania.  Strike Gold acquired an 80% interest in the Boma Gold Project in northeastern Tanzania.  The Boma Project consists of 3 concessions totalling 546km2 and is located 40km northwest of Canaco’s flagship Magambazi project where they have made a multimillion ounce gold discovery.

In just half a year SRK-V has acquired a set of properties that are the envy of most…

  1. The initial acquisition focused on the Satterly Lake Gold Project.  Satterly Lake has had some impressive intervals indicating a large open pittable resource; including 117 meters at 1.37 g/t au and 100 meters at 1.19 g/t au.  Satterly has the potential to be another Springpole Lake which is a 3 – 5 million ounce gold deposit owned by Gold Canyon Resources; a $250M company whose value is based solely on Springpole Lake developments.  
  2. SRK then acquired 2 high grade large flake graphite projects in Saskatchewan, Deep Bay East and Simon Lake.  These graphite projects have better than average odds of being fast-tracked to production like Northern Graphite’s NGC-V Bisset Creek.  SRK-V grades at Deep Bay East are 5 times those of Bisset Creek giving Deep Bay East the potential to be a low cost producer in the industry when compared to a planned mine like Bisset Creek.
  3. In the most recent deal, SRK has the blue sky potential of a major gold discovery like Magambazi in elephant country taking over Canaco’s major gold exploration property, the Boma Gold Project.

With the major success at Magambazi, Canaco is focusing on developing Magambazi giving SRK the opportunity to pick up BOMA at a great price in a deal that makes sense for everyone.  This is a coup for SRK as Canaco, one of the premier exploration and development companies on the exchange, speaks volumes for the confidence that Canaco has in management at Strike Gold Corp to develop THE BOMA GOLD PROJECT.

The deal requires a $1 million cash payment, 6 million in shares and another $6 million in exploration expenditures over the next 3 years.  Canaco does not release total control of the property, as they have retained a 31% back in right for $25 million that will carry SRK’s interest to production if Strike Gold does indeed strike gold in Tanzania.  The property has received limited exploration but 2 samples out of 33 graded 24.3 g/t au and 26.5 g/t au with other samples grading less than a gram per tonne au.

East Tanzania is one of the best places for a bluesky multimillion ounce discovery

Tanzania is an excellent place for gold exploration with a rich gold mining history in Western Tanzania. Recent working of modern geology in Tanzania has extended the age of the rock formations in  the eastern half of Tanzania making the rock formation identical in age to the Western parts of the country that host Tanzania’s world class gold mulitmillion ounce gold deposits.  This reworking of geology in Tanzania has brought new exploration life to the country with the hopes of finding more world class gold deposits like African Barrick’s 12M oz Bulyanhulu mine or more recently Canaco’s Magambazi discovery.  Canaco’s subsequent discovery of the multimillion ounce high grade Magambazi has proven the reworked geologic thesis making northeastern Tanzania one of the best places for a material grassroots modern day discovery.

Strike Gold has spent the first 6 months developing a strong corporate pipeline of world class properties to explore and develop.  Each property has been carefully evaluated on its merits with each showing early indications of development potential at each site.  With properties that have the same early merits as properties owned by Canaco, Gold Canyon and Northern Graphite, SRK has significantly increased the chances of exploration and development success. The next 3 years will be focused on aggressively defining and developing these high impact properties and unlocking the value that SRK has quietly built up over the last 6 months.

Strike Gold is a top pick.

Christopher Skidmore

Beat the Market Stock Picks

Monday, October 10, 2011

Quarterly Update

Quarterly Update

Economic Outlook: There is good news and there is bad news


Even though the markets are off 20% and look very cheap on an earnings basis, there is still a lot more risk in this market and chances are the trend is still lower over the next several months.  What is significant, this is now an OFFICIAL BEAR MARKET.  It first showed up as a correction this spring in risk assets on the $TSX and other commodities markets.  It has now entered into full blown BEAR territory on all markets.  Since August, there has been no relief with global indices breaking down.  Copper is off more than 30% confirming what many were beginning to fear, that Chinese demand is fading.  This is indicating that that while growth is stalling in North America and recession problems throughout Europe, China the great driver of commodities is stalling at the same time as well.

Even the luster of gold has been lost over the last month and has joined the broad based selling that has crept into all markets.   As panic about the global deleveraging process has taken hold and no more QE in sight over the short term, there is no reason to hold gold at such lofty levels.  Ben has said markets need to get much worse for more QE.  If Ben announced QE measures right now, they would not have the desired effect and would be burning up good money as Euro fears would overshadow everything else.   Even helicopter Ben knows when to pull in the reigns.  Let the bugs that are still in the system get washed out before passing Go and collecting another $600B.

With the deleveraging process putting global markets into a sinkhole, there is no real threat of inflation and deflationary pressures are appearing worldwide putting more imminent pressure to the downside on equities markets.

The Debt Death Spiral

Countries in Europe are dangerously close to entering into the ‘Debt Death Spiral’.  This is a negative feedback loop that compounds debt problems into much bigger problems.  Higher borrowing costs eat into profits which eat into a company’s ability to added value.  In turn this inability to add value creates less confidence which increases borrowing costs and further eats into profits.  Company then makes cuts which further hamper ability to make profit.  Thus further impairment increases borrowing costs and the whole cycle repeats.

 The Debt Death Spiral is not happening to companies… it is happening to entire countries!  Greece is the prime example of what will eventually happening to Italy, Spain, Portugal, and maybe even France if Europe does not get its house in order.   If European nations do nothing to act to intervene in this negative feedback cycle… this will be the course that many of these countries may have to take down the road to eventual default.  Tough austerity measures further hasten this cycle as a huge economic void is been create through the deleveraging process.  The public sector needs to be deleveraged, but it cannot be just in itself as this void that is left needs to be filled or deflationary pressures will exist for extended periods even after default.    In order to achieve a smooth balance, leverage needs to be transferred from government to the private sector where it can be managed by professionals, not politicians who promise the sky on the backs of our kids.  The leverage needs to be transferred to the private sector. 

When people talk about the debt crisis being much worse than the subprime crisis, it is this void that is created by the deleveraging process.   This is just a theoretical void… the system will not be allowed to fail, so when markets trade under such stress and fear that the system is falling apart…  you need to step back, have some patience and pick your moments to invest.   Markets will recover and trade much higher than they are now years on out.

At this point in time, in the exploration sector especially, there is real value appearing if you think markets are going to bottom over the next 6 – 12 months.

The world is not going to end, credit will not seize up, exploration and development companies will still get financed and citizens around the world will still go to work.   Credit may potentially seize up for a moment, but it won’t over an extended period of time.  The world just doesn’t stop turning and neither will its inhabitants drop the tools of the trade and not go work.   The markets are trading on an irrational fear that is made worse from the seemingly arrogance to the nature of the problem by politicians around the world.  It is a fear that is magnified throughout the economy in confidence and spending while this problem exists.  In the end, no matter how divisive and bi-partisan politics get, no one wants the system to come to a crashing halt on their watch so 11 hour deals to patch the problem are always made.

China’s dependence on Europe as a trading partner cannot be overstated.  If Europe goes, China goes.

China’s emerging consumer economy is not strong enough to take the place of European demand.  If Europe fades into recession, it over-exaggerates China’s pause which puts further pressure on global markets.  Copper tanking indicates to me the slowdown in China is going to be harder than originally thought.  Usually when a metal breaks down like this, there is more downside expected.   All signals on China are slightly bearish at best with many analysts starting to call for a harder landing there.  At the very least, China will remain subdued until Europe fixes its problems or the Chinese consumer comes to the rescue.    That will only happen if Europe comes online again or China pursues a policy of wealth creation for their own citizens through dollar appreciation if they feel they have sucked every last dollar they can out of the global economy.

China took us out of recession last time, and it will have the opposite effect if China slows down more than anticipated during this downturn with the deleveraging process going on.  There is no way to tell how far this downturn will go because there is systemic risk at the core of the system for which leaders still cannot agree on a solution.  This amplifies the risk in the system and magnifies the swings in economic data and confidence in the markets and ultimately on a business decision to spend.


1.       Give Greece the money
2.       Negotiate a Greek default
3.       Capitalize European Banks – Euro Tarp
4.       Protect borrowing costs of peripherals with Euro bonds
          a.       Buy peripheral debt
          b.      Sell Euro bonds
5.       Duel Pronged Austerity/Growth Package
          a.       Deleverage public sector (austerity)
          b.      Leverage the private sector (stimulus)
6.       Work on economic uniformity to eliminate inequalities
7.       Confidence comes back to Europe


We are now closing in on an influx point where momentum traders and swing traders can make some money!!!

The DOW is bumping up on a key downtrend line initially established in August.  If markets can break this trend line, we could be in for a nice 1000 point rally on the DOW and TSX alike.  Last week’s rally started on a rumor that European officials were talking about a TARP style recapitalization effort of European banks.  If European officials can still confidence that TARP will happen, it will alleviate concerns about the system falling apart over the short term.  TARP is the easiest way to allow for stability in the system.  The US Treasury’s TARP program was initially estimated at greater than $300B in losses, but by the time the markets recovered and banks paid back the interest, the cost to US taxpayers was $25B and Geithner still contest that the cost in the end will be much less once real estate assets in the US have recovered.  That is less than 10% of what was originally estimated.   TARP saved the system once; there is no reason why it wouldn’t perform the same function again in Europe.   TARP was signed in October of 2008, if markets react the same and take the same amount of time for the European Banks to access TARP  and work the troubled assets out of the system, you might expect the a 5 or 6 months to really take effect and instill confidences system and for markets to recover.  Certainly at that point you can expect another V like recovering with projects on the shelf come back to construction.  Markets are not done bottoming but you may get some short term relief.


Merkel and Sarkozy have made a joint statement saying that they have agreed to strengthen the banks by the end of the month.  So far not many details are known, but it now looks like there is a united front for a TARP like program to save the European banks.  If you combine that with a Q3 earnings season next week that should keep yield at the forefront, you have the fundamentals in place for ‘hope and optimism.’   This is an emotionally charged market.  You have to look for what might break the change in sentiment.  This just might be it.  Greece getting the money, a Euro style recapitalization effort, an earnings season that isn’t so bad; might be the basis for a sustained bear rally in all asset classes.

The keystone to this change in sentiment lies in Europe and a concerted effort for a TARP program and eventually a EURO BOND to stop the debt death spiral.  This is fundamental in saving the European banking system and allowing the system to function.

If European banks go under… a double dip is likely.

Beat the Market Featured Company Update

This is a great time to update some of Beat the Markets Features we are still following. If markets go on a run, many of these oversold companies have made significant progress since featured and present good trading opportunities and very good bang for the buck.

Strike Gold Corp SRK-V $0.21

Shares Out… 32M
Market Cap $6.7M

Strike Gold Corp was our most recent feature.  Not much has transpired since the feature was published.  SRK-V has seen very limited selling in the low $0.20’s and high teens.   Any downswing is an excellent time to acquire SRK shares as they have extreme value in its recent aquistions waiting to be unlocked.  For the investor with a 2 year time horizon, SRK offer’s excellent leverage and downside share price protection.    Strike Gold not only developing the world class graphite projects that rival NGC’s Bisset Creek, they are exploring their bulk tonnage porphry gold system at the Satterly Lake Gold Project near Gold Canyon Resources in Red Lake, Ontario.

Satterly Lake has Springpole Lake potential and could be another early GCU type story. 

Historical work is pointing to a large low grade bulk tonnage type potential with historical work and ~10,000 meters drilled at Satterly yielding an impressive intersection of 117 meters grading 1.37 g/t au

 A GCU type intercept

SRK has defined 4 large targets in addition to the historical deposit at Satterly Lake following up on historical IP survey that defined targets which were never followed up on.  Re-interpretation of ground and airborne geophysical data has led to the discovery of these targets at Satterly Lake.

SRK-V is a very comfortable risk adjusted buy at current prices.  The company has very little retail and is selling right at its lows since the initial acquisition of Satterly Lake this spring which drove the share price well above $0.60.

CuOro Resources Corp CUA-V $1.44

Shares Out… 30.2M
Market Cap… $43M

CUA aims on being Columbia’s first major copper producer.

CuOro looks like it is going to go run after bottoming hard at $1.  It is making a violent ‘V’ shape recovery which should give it momentum to at least the $1.80 to $2 range if the current rally relief taht is appearing remains intact.  This is the copper stock to own if you want an project that is drill ready, close to infrastructure and has government support.  With supply chain dynamics tight for the copper market and large high grade projects at a premium, Santa Elena is one of the largest untested high grade copper systems with buried porphyry potential.

Drilling at Santa Elena is progressing with the initial 25,000 meter phase 1 drill program well underway with 2 drill rigs in operation on site.  CUA has secured a third rig which while arrive in the coming months.  CUA announced initial drill results from Santa Elena that are starting to confirm a promising copper discovery.   Recent ground IP work also suggest that the initial holes were drilled on the outer edge of the main conductor zones giving room for improvement in grade which is already fairly significant with three 40 meter intervals between 1.10 and 2.26% copper.

Results of the first 6 holes…

·         40.0 meters @ 2.28% Cu
·         46.8 meters @ 1.76% Cu
·          40.0 meters @ 1.10% Cu
·         10.3 meters @ 1.52% Cu
·         9.0 meters @ 3.14% Cu
·         30.5 meters @ 0.54% Cu

CuOro has been extremely busy this summer…

1.       Added Columbian national Mr. Uribe the former Colombian Minister of Defense
2.       Completed acquisition of Barranco De Loba in Sergovia
3.       Secured 3rd drill rig for Santa Elena

Cap Ex Ventures CEV-V $0.35

Shares Out… 43.7M
Market Cap… $15.3M

Since the Cap-Ex feature in June, the company went on an good run and then got hammered in August with the rest of the market.  Iron Ore has been hit harder than the rest given its economic sensitivity and the long lead times and intensive capital that many of these projects require.   CEV remains my top iron ore penny stock and have made significant progress on their projects in Labrador.

So far drilling on block 103 has defined the 7km long Green Bush Zone hitting 100 meter plus interval at ~30% iron content.  The zone is at surface is up to 1000 meters wide and has been defined up to 7 kilometers making CEV’s Green Bush Zone very large target with potential well in excess of 1Bt resource at 30%.

Drilling at Block 103…  These are Alderon-like numbers…

·         125.13 meters @ 30.4% Fe
·         159.9 meters @ 31.30% Fe
·         87.37 meters @ 29.92% Fe
·         127.11 meters @ 29.61% Fe

Cap-Ex has is awaiting assays on 5 holes across the 7 km defined strike with mineralized horizons of…

·         178.62 meters
·         79.88 meters
·         100.28 meters
·         192.03 meters
·         195.08 meters

Cap-Ex has been successful in initial DSO exploration at Lac Connelly and Porly Lake 

They have defined 3.7km of hematite formation at Lac Connelly and trenched 62% and 54% Fe in channel samples at Porky Lake.  At $0.30 this is one of the best buys in the iron ore sector with projects that are already showing the potential.  CEV’s projects have already become significantly de-risked with a major discovery in the making on Block 103.

Commerce Resources $0.375

Shares Out… 130.5M
Market Cap… $48.9M

Commerce Resources is another company that is extremely oversold is ain the process of making a V like recovery.  At current prices CCE-V has a great chance of recovery back to the $0.55 to $0.70 cent range.  Drilling at CCE’s Ashram Zone is defining a very large deposit that makes most other rare earth deposits insignificant.  The rare earth deposits which will be considered for production in the future will have the largest compliment of all the rare earths from the light rare earths to the heavy rare earths.

CCE has successfully taken a grassroots discovery and turned it into one of the largest rare earth deposits in the world 12 months which is a huge feat in itself.   The company has 2 drill rigs on site and plans to complete 7,500 meters by the end of the year with the bulk of that upgrading the confidence of resource from inferred to indicated and expanding the Ashram Zones boundaries which is still open in most directions and at depth to 600 meters.  Commerce is creating exteme value at he Ashram Zone.

The Ashram Zone is shaping up to be one of the highest grading bulk tonnage REE deposits with Commerce consistently hitting grades in excess of 2% and even 3% towards the bottom of the holes.   CCE’s Ashram zone stands out out as a significant heavy rare earth deposit on a contained metal basis.  With consistent grades of neodymium at 17%-20% and large quantities of dysprosium and terbium,  Ashram has all the qulatiies for eventual production.  Neodymium, Terbium and Dysprosium are vital elements for the elctric and hybrid vehicles markets.

The supply of Neodymium is so tight that some magnet manufactures outside of China are considering reengineering cobalt magnets as an alternative to neodymium.  These magnets are heavier and less effective giving an advantage to a manufacturer using neodymium magnets vs. cobalt magnets.

Drilling results from Ashram include… 

·         236.99 meters @ 1.67% TREO
·         344.49 meters @ 2.06% TREO
·         243.54 meters @ 1.99% TREO
·         586.92 meters @ 2.10% TREO
·         316.03 meters @ 1.06% TREO
·         588.46 meters @ 1.42% TREO
·         554.46 meters @ 1.86% TREO

Niogold Mining Corp NOX-V $0.355

Shares Out… 96.8M
Market Cap… $34.4

NioGold Mining continues to deliver impressive results from their Marban Block jv with Aurizon.  Drilling over the past 6 months has led to the discovery of two high grade zones including an intersection of 906.2 g/t over 2.9 meters in the High Grade Western Zone and 179.5 g/t over 1.2 meters in the Eastern Down Dip Zone.  These results demonstrate the robust nature of the high grade system at Marban Block and the multimillion ounce resource potential.

Best results from the ‘High Grade Western Zone’ include…

·         35.2 g/t Au over 1.2m
·         5.9 g/t Au over 15.7m
·         26.4 g/t Au over 1m
·         19.8 g/t Au over 1.9m
·         81.1 g/t Au over 0.8m

Best results from the ‘Eastern Down Dip Zone’ include…

·         5.3 g/t Au over 12.8m
·         5.1 g/t Au over 6.1m
·         7.0 g/t Au over 10.9m
·         179.5 g/t Au over 1.2m
·         6.1 g/t Au over 12.6m

The discovery of these two zones of higher grade mineralization adds significant exploration potential to depth at the Marban Block.  A new resource estimate is due out on Marban block by the end of the year which will add significant ounces to the project.  NioGold is a safe bet in the $0.30 range with very little downside risk.

Augen Gold received an improved offer from Trelawney to which they accepted.  Augen mgmt could have held out for a better offer, but considering  how markets have crashed in the meantime, Augen shareholders who sold out after the revised offer in the $0.40’s have walked away with cash in the pockets while gold prices crashed during the last half of September.

Happy Trading

Christopher Skidmore

Beat the Market Stock Picks

Monday, September 26, 2011

Strike Gold SRK-V

Strike Gold: Developing World Class Graphite Deposits

Symbol… SRK-V

Share Price… $0.245
Shares Out… 32.07M
Fully Diluted… 45.90M

Market Cap… $7.8M

Strike Gold Acquires Two World Class Graphite Projects in Saskatchewan

Strike Gold Corp. (SRK-V) is a recently formed mineral exploration and development company whose focus is on acquiring and developing potential world class mineral assets. In early September, SRK announced plans to be a major player in the graphite industry acquiring two ‘world class’ large flake graphite projects in Saskatchewan that they believe have the potential to be fast tracked to production. The Deep Bay East and Simon Lake Graphite Projects are some of the highest grading graphite deposits targeted for development in Canada. Deep Bay East is located 15km east and on strike to Deep Bay West, a high grade graphite mine with grades exceeding 10% C that is currently advancing towards production. Work in the early 70’s on both properties noted abundant large flake graphite mineralization in drill cores across very large conductors giving these pre NI 43-101 properties tons of potential. Large flake graphite is a high value graphite mining product which sells at a premium in the already supply constrained graphite market. It is a vital non-substitutable component of lithium-ion batteries, a market that is projected to expand exponentially over the next decade with the mass production of electric powered automobiles underway.

Graphite… The Next Critical Material

Graphite is an emerging mineral that is a vital component of the alternative energy theme. It was recently named one of fourteen critical metals by the European Union in terms of economic importance and security of supply. Traditionally graphite is used in the steel industry; but as the demand for more powerful electric powered consumer products has increased, the mineral’s qualities of being lightweight and a great conductor of electricity make it ideal for products such as Li-ion batteries, fuel cells, and solar panels. Lithium-ion batteries are the preferred technology for efficient powering of all high tech devices from computers to electric vehicles. Lithium-ion batteries require 10 to 20 times the amount of graphite. It is also a relatively non-substitutable material because of its elemental properties making it a critical material vital for the mass production of Li-ion batteries of all sizes. What puts more pressure on this market is that Li-ion batteries require high purity flake graphite for which there is a serious lack of supply.
The industry is under both demand and supply constraints. It is seeing large incremental growth from several technological driven areas around the globe as well as strong industrial growth from emerging markets in the traditional steel making industries. The graphite market has been dominated by cheap Chinese supply since the early 90’s making it hard for many operations to compete against the low cost open pit graphite projects in China. This led to China controlling a virtual monopoly of the supply of graphite currently making up 70% and 80% of the supply of graphite since. In recent years, critical metals have been increasingly used as leverage in trade wars, as was seen in the dispute between China and Japan over rare earths. With China controlling the majority of supply in this increasingly technological mineral, Graphite is another metal where a serious lack of supply outside of China is a concern for the Western authorities. The Chinese have made no exception to the graphite market applying export duties, taxes and tighter regulations on the industry.
Declining Chinese mining production is a major reason the supply of graphite is in the state it is in. Chinese operations have exhausted cheap open pit resources and are being forced to costlier underground operations. At the same time, labour and fuel prices continue to rise which is further exacerbating cost pressures. Compounding the Chinese mining problem of escalating costs is the quality of graphite produced is also declining, leaving supply for high purity large flake graphite at a premium. In recent years this has put extreme upward pressure on large flake graphite prices having risen from $750 per tonne in 2005 to $3000 per tonne in early May. Since spring, prices have stabilized, but most analysts believe that short supply will continue this winter as the industry braces for annual closures of Chinese mines during the winter months. Current supply and demand pressures are so tight in the industry; there is virtually no open market supply of some of the purest forms of graphite.

The serious lack of supply of large flake graphite should be seen as an opportunity for investors to develop some of these large high purity flake graphite projects outside of China.

Unprecedented Incremental Demand

Historical demand has seen steady 5% growth in the graphite market year over year to just over 1 million tonnes of annual production. 40% of the current market is for high purity flake graphite which is where the majority of incremental growth is projected to be for graphite demand. Global industrial demand is expected to continue to be strong with new incremental forces potentially doubling the size of the market to 2M tonnes per year by 2020. Most of this demand is expected from lithium-ion batteries with demand for graphite from the EV sector alone projected at 260,000 tonnes by 2020. That is roughly a quarter of all new demand for graphite and equal to 65% of the current size of flake graphite market.

Graphite is a major component of nuclear pebble bed reactors, a technology that China plans to use in its nuclear power generation plans. 50 reactors are planned to be built in China requiring 1000 tonnes of graphite at construction and a minimum 500 tonnes of graphite per year to maintain the nuclear reactions. The fuel cell industry is also an industry that is seeing unprecedented growth. Fuel cells rely on graphite as a major material, with the industry estimated to grow 33% to $1B by 2014 from the current $750M. Solar panels are another industry that relies heavily on graphite as a material.

Incremental demand from Li-Ion batteries, fuel cells, solar panels, and nuclear reactors and strong industrial demand will drive the graphite demand well into the 2020’s. To give you an impression of the need for new supply of graphite to meet upcoming demand; two planned graphite mines in North America at Northern Graphite’s (NGC-T) Bissett Creek and Ontario Graphite’s Kearney Graphite mine will produce less than 40,000 tonnes of graphite per year at a rate of ~1Mt per year each which is less than 4% of total projected new demand. Compounding the investment case and need for graphite mines in North America is the fact that the only major producer of graphite on the continent is expected to close within the next couple of years.

Ever increasing incremental demand from products such as Li-Ion batteries will push graphite prices to new record highs until some of these planned fast-track graphite projects can come online to relieve the supply constraints. The earliest of those projects comes into production in North America next year and into 2013.

Any Good Mining Person Knows That Grade is King

In mining, grade is king. The grade of a project, significantly lowers production costs, it increases a project’s IRR and drastically reduces the payback period. If mines have similar operations, recoveries, and in the case of graphite, similar large flake content; grade will always trump any other deficiency and in most cases more than make up. Higher grades make up for added capital costs, higher strip ratios, poorer recoveries and even a lesser percentage of large flake graphite.

Both of SRK’s graphite projects, Deep Bay East and Simon Lake have the potential to be greater than 10M tonne graphite deposits with a minimum grade of 8% -10% graphite. More than quadruple the grade of NGC’s Bissett Creek. Bissett Creek has a NI 43-101 compliant resource of 19Mt @ 1.99% C indicated and an additional 33Mt inferred at a grade of 1.81% C. SRK’s Deep Bay East will hold just as much contained graphite in 10 - 12Mt of rock as NGC’s Bissett Creek holds in 52Mt. SRK’s Deep Bay East poses exploration value as they will add 4 to 5 times the resource every meter drilled that Northern Graphite can. That is great bang for your exploration buck, especially when SRK is already materially undervalued considering the strategic nature of its acquisitions.

Bissettt Creek at 1.99% hosts 19.9kg with initial concentrates averaging 70% +80 mesh , 6%+100 mesh and the balance is -100 mesh 50% of NGC’s product is a super high purity that +48 which commands a further premium. In total assuming 100% recoveries Bissett Creek will average $60 per tonne valuing 50% of NGC product at $3300, 20% at $3000 and 30% at $2500.

Look at Deep Bay East’s numbers at a theoretical 10% grade. It may only have 40% large flake graphite at +100 mesh and 60% lower purity material at – 100 mesh, but that is still 40 kg of large flake graphite per tonne, double the content at Bissettt Creek. 40 kg’s priced at $2500 - $3000 per tonne ($100 - $120) and 60kg of -100 mesh graphite at conservative $1300 per tonne ($78) gives a rough tonnage value at Deep Bay East of $178 - $198 per tonne.

Even though Bissett Creek has a very high distribution of high purity large flake graphite, the grade at the Saskatchewan deposits will prove much more valuable on a tonnage basis ($198) Deep Bay East vs. Bissett Creek at ($60). The potential mining operations are both open pit low strip ratio mining operations giving a similar mining cost structure to Bissett Creek. When compared on a similar tonnage scale operations at Deep Bay East have the potential of 4 – 5 times the margin Bissett Creek.

Both of SRK’s graphite projects in Saskatchewan are located near the necessary infrastructure needed to fast track and bring a graphite mine into production. It has exceptional grades averaging a minimum 8% graphite and up to 27% C. SRK has projects in Deep Bay East and Simon Lake that compare favourably to any graphite project with the potential for production over the next few years. Any good mining guy knows that grade is king. Future feasibility studies commissioned on Deep Bay East and Simon Lake will prove that high grade translates into low cost production stories commanding a premium to the rest of the industry.

Deep Bay East

Deep Bay East is Strike Gold’s most advanced project. It is located 15km to the east of Deep Bay West which is on track for production. Mineralization, grades and geology between the two deposits are similar making Deep Bay East an ideal second site in Saskatchewan for a graphite mine. Deep Bay West has a historical resource of 1.8Mt @ 10.32% C to a depth of 60 meters. Recent testing of graphite from the Deep Bay West mine indicates excellent recoveries achieving greater than 95% pure carbon content upgradable to 99% upon further treatment. With metallurgical tests successful at Deep Bay West, this bodes well for SRK’s Deep Bay East project and its fast track potential.

Deep Bay East was originally explored in the late 60’s and early 70’s with airborne surveys, trenches and drilling yielding encouraging results. Exploration defined a large conducting body with the potential for a large tonnage graphite deposit. The deposit is near surface, only 6 meters of overburden, extends to depth and is open along 1.6 km strike at both ends giving Deep Bay East significant exploration potential. Drilling intersected consistent widths grading ~9% graphite and trenches yielded significant intervals of graphite grading up to 27.52% C demonstrating the extremely high grade nature of the Deep Bay West Deposit. (Initial testwork in the 70’s indicated excellent recoveries ~85% and abundant large flake graphite ~40%)

Drilling Highlights…
  • DB2… 35.05 meters @ 8.58% C
  • DB3… 13.11 meters @ 8.97% C and 10.67 meters @ 9.06% C

Trenching Highlights…
  • Trench B… 9.45 meters @ 17.34%, 3.35 meters @ 27.52% and 3.05 meters @ 8.75% (17.3m total width)
SRK plans on aggressively defining an initial resource at Deep Bay East pushing it towards a production decision. Phase 1 exploration includes airborne electromagnetic and magnetic surveys, ground reconnaissance and follow up diamond drilling both confirming historical results and defining near surface mineralization along the 1,600 meter strike length of the deposit. Phase 2 work is designed to complete the legwork advancing Deep Bay East to a production decision including initial metallurgical work, preliminary environmental studies, community and government consultations, and finally a bulk sample advancing Deep Bay East to a production decision. Deep Bay East has the potential to host at a minimum a 10Mt – 20Mt shallow open-pittable deposit once fully developed.

Simon Lake

The future of graphite production in Saskatchewan might lie with Strike Gold’s other key graphite acquisition. The Simon Lake Property lies on the southeastern edges of the Athabasca Basin near Wollaston Lake and was a massive graphite discovery made back in the 70’s by a company looking for a different suite of minerals. The project covers over 10km of continuous strike of high grade metamorphic rocks of a sedimentary origin setting up an ideal environment for large flake high-purity graphite deposits.
Assays were never done on 2 holes drilled 5km apart, but visual estimates had the core ranging from 5% to 70% graphite content containing abundant large flake graphite mineralization. An intersection in one of the holes was greater than 68 meters in length indicating a very wide orebody with the potential to host a high grade, large tonnage deposit. Mineralization extends from one end of the property to the other. Simon Lake is a project that could make all other graphite projects play second fiddle.

Considering a big factor in mining is scalability with bigger almost always being better; when you include the potential high grade nature and abundant visual large flake mineralization, a potential mega project like Simon Lake could be 5 to 10 times the scale of Bissett Creek which would be a project that could meeting a large portion of the future demand.

The Simon Lake property is less than 9km from highway 955 giving it an ideal location near the established uranium mines in Saskatchewan. This provides great access to the property and established infrastructure in the area to hook up to in case exploration on the property surpasses everyone’s expectations making Simon Lake priority one. Exploration plans for 2011 and 2012 at Simon Lake include airborne surveys to define the mineralizing structures, ground follow up and reconnaissance drilling twinning the two historic holes.

Strike Gold Trades at a Discount to its Peers

Strike Gold trades at a discount to its peers primarily because the acquisitions are recent and the properties are at pre NI 43-101 status. This creates a low risk value proposition with SRK-V confirming historic discoveries that have early indications of very profitable mining operations. The market is still unaware to the potential of the graphite properties under SRK’s control which add to the investment potential in an emerging theme where its peers are undervalued. SRK is just one of a few publicly traded companies in Canada actively targeting and developing graphite projects and with only 4 mines targeting relatively small scale production, this puts graphite projects at a premium in an industry that is scrambling to develop new sources of supply.

SRK has two projects that are comparable to any of the projects currently under development meaning SRK’s projects once the projects have been confirmed and brought up to NI43-101 standards should command a similar valuation to its peers who are currently valued between $30M - $50M. With only 30M shares outstanding and a very tight float for a new company, SRK should easily gain traction once this high grade graphite discovery is confirmed.

Strike Gold is a company that is flying well under the radar.

Christopher Skidmore

Beat the Market Stock Picks

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

5 Potential Million Gold Producers

Top Potential Million Ounce Gold Producers

Allied Nevada Gold Corp ANV-T

Share Price… $43.11
Shares Out… 89.2M
Fully Diluted…

Market Cap… $3.9 Billion

Q2 Production Highlights

Production… 22,783 ozs gold; 93,211 oz’s silver
Cash Costs… $459
Net income… $3.6M
EPS… $0.04 / $0.16/year annualized
PE… 260

Allied Nevada has a massive gold silver project in Nevada at the Hycroft mine. The project has 10.2M in Proven & Probable reserves and an additional 10.4M oz’s of gold in the Measured, Indicated and Inferred category for a global resource of 20.6M ounces of gold. The mine also hosts significant silver along with the gold resource of close to 700M oz’s of silver. The gold equivalent resource of well over 30M ounces sets ANV’s Hycroft mine apart as one of the larger gold and silver projects entering into production this decade. The project has a run rate once in full production projected at 556,000 oz’s of gold and 27M ounces of silver from 2015 to 2024 with cash cost expected at ~$304 per ounce.

The company will be growing production from the current 125,000 ounces in 2011 to 275,000 in 2012 before leveling out at 320,000 oucnes in the years 2013 and 2014 before full production entering 2015. Cash costs at ANV are set to be steady between $450 and $475 per ounce before declining to $304 per ounce once Hycroft is in full production in 2015. The silver component to Hycroft makes ANV an attractive early stage Nevada gold producer that is both growing production and levered to silver. The price ratio of silver to gold is projected to continue to decline to less than 30:1 giving ANV a 1.5M ounce gold equivalent production profile.

  • Industry leading cash costs
  • Excellent production growth profile
  • Highly leveraged to silver.
Allied Nevada Profile
  • Production
    • 2012… 275,000
    • 2013 -14… 322,000 oz’s au
    • 2015 – 2024… 556k oz’s Au; 27M oz’s Ag
  • Reserves
    • 10.2M oz’s
  • Cash Costs
    • 2012 -14… $450 - $475
    • 2015 - 24… $304
  • Resource Base – 20.7M oz’s Au; 700M oz’s Ag
    • Measured & Indicated… 17M oz’s Au
    • Inferred… 3.7m oz’s Au
      • Plus 700M oz’s Ag
      • (38M oz’s AuEq @ 40:1)

Target Market Cap… $15B - $20B

Perseus Mining PRU-T

Share Price… $4.04
Shares Out… 425M
Fully Diluted… 432M

Market Cap… $1.7 Billion

Q2 Production Highlights

N/A… First gold pour August 2011

Perseus has two high impact projects on the continent of Africa that put PRU on track to produce 460,000 ounces of gold per year by 2013. Perseus recently announced their first gold pour at their Central Ashanti Gold Project in South Africa which is expected to produce 200,000 ounces in the first 12 months and grow into a 280,000 producer the year after. The Tengrela Gold Project in the Ivory Coast is an early stage as far as explroation goes, but PRU is confident the ounces will voem later and is expected to come online in 2013 producing 180,000 ounces of gold. This makes PRU a very attractive mid-tier growth story in full production by 2013 producing close to 460,000 ounces of gold per year. The company has a resource base of 5.7M ounces M & I and an additional 2.2M Inferred between the 2 gold projects which include 3.93 in reserves. Cash cost for both projects are expected to be industry lows of around $500 per ounce for both projects. Perseus Mining will have the cost advantage of the intermediate African producers giving it a potential premium to PRU.

  • Both Tengrela and Ashanti Gold Projects have significant exploration potential, allowing for a material organic growth profile beyond 2013 after achieving a run rate of >400,000 oz’s per year.
  • PRU has the potential to be for 750,000 – 1M ounce producer beyond 2015 but organic expansion will come largely through the drill bit.
  • Cheaper than Semafo…Similar production profiles, similar resource, double the reserves, 50% more production by 2013 (460k vs. 300k), lower cash costs (~$500 vs. ~$635).
  • Top African Pick
Perseus Mining Profile
  • Production
    • 2012… 220,000 oz’s
    • 2013… 460,000 oz’s
    • 2014 run rate... 400,000 – 500,000 oz’s
  • Reserves
    • 3.9M Proven and Probable
  • Cash Costs
    • ~$500
  • Resource Base – 7.9M oz’s
    • Measured & Indicated… 5.7M oz’s Au
    • Inferred… 2.2M oz’s Au

Target Market Cap… $5B - $7.5B

Alacer Gold Corp ASR-T

Share Price… $10.88
Shares Out… 281M
Fully Diluted… 295M

Market Cap… $3 Billion

Q2 Production Highlights

Production… 101,348 oz’s gold
Cash Costs… $649
Net income… $61.9M
EPS… $0.22; $0.88/year annualized
PE… 12

Alacer Gold is one of Australia’s largest primary listed gold producers. They have operations from 4 mines, 3 in Australia and their most recent start-up, Copler in Turkey whose 400,000 oz’s projected by 2015 will make up half the companies 800,000 production profile by 2015. The company currently has cash costs of ~$650 per ounce which is expected to be reduced even further to $590 by the end of 2011. Further reductions in cash costs are expected as $500 - $525 is projected for the life of the combined operations of ASR's projects. The Australia operations cash costs are expected at around $600 while Turkey operations can be expected to be well under $500 per oz on a by-product basis.

Alacer has an excellent internal growth profile through exploration potential of its current operating mines as well as excellent exploration potential form joint venture copper gold projects in turkey. ASR may also grow through acquisition with a very undervalued company like La Mancha Resources being a great fit as it would significantly add to the production profile from 800,000 oz’s in 2015 to almost 1.2M oz’s. La Mancha currently trades at a $350M market cap, has a gold copper profile similar to Alacer Gold and shares the Frog’s Leg Mine with ASR. LMA owns 51% and is the operator which would consolidate the area under Alacer’s control. A $350M investment to increase your production profile by almost 50% by 2015 and consolidate ownership and control of a key project with a profile similar mineral profile to Alacer seems like great synergies. Spend 10% of current market cap to incrase production 50%. Pretty much a no brainer to me.

  • Great combination metrics with La Mancha
  • Cash costs expected to decrease as high impact projects come into full production

Alacer Gold Profile
  • Production
    • 2012… 530,000 oz’s
    • 2103… 600,000 oz’s
    • 2014… 625,000 oz’s
    • 2015… 800,000 oz’s
  • Reserves
    • 5.5M oz’s
  • Cash Costs
    • Australia - $650
    • Turkey - $430
  • Resource Base – 15.4M oz’s Au
    • Measured & Indicated… 10.6M oz’s
    • Inferred… 4.8M oz’s

Target Market Cap… $12B - $15B

New Gold Inc NGD-T

Share Price… $13.37
Shares Out… 399M
Fully Diluted… 468M

Market Cap… $5.3 Billion

Q2 Production Highlights

Production… 95,039 oz’s Au
Cash Costs… $354
Net income… $79M
EPS… $0.19; $0.76 annualized
PE… 17.6

New Gold is the market darling in the gold industry with industry leading cash costs going into 2013 at around $60 per ounce on a by-product basis. NGD is currently producing at a rate of 380,000 ounces of gold and expects to increase production a further 25% in 2012 to 500,000 ounces of gold and further expected to increase to 600,000 ounces in 2013 where production will level off until their recent acquisition of the 4M ounce Blackwater comes into production closer to the end of the deceade. New Gold has a long term production target of 1 million ounces by 2017 of which Blackwater is a key asset in acheiving that milestone.

Current production comes from 3 mines including Peak Mines, Mesquite and Cerro San Pedro. Short term production drivers to 600,000 oz’s of gold include New Ashton (less than 12 months to production) and NGD’s 30% interest in Goldcorp’s El Morro. New Ashton represents an additional 85,000 ounces of gold and 75M lbs of copper to the production profile while, NGD’s interest in the massive El Morro project is expected to put New Gold up to the 600,000 ounce mark per year by 2013. Blackwater is NGD’s major production driver beyond which is expected to grow to a > 10M ounce resource and is a major part of NGD’s longer term plans for 1 million ounces by 2017.

  • Industry leading cash costs (premium)
  • Internal Growth to 1M ounces
  • Management demonstrated ability to make high value strategic acquisitions (Blackwater)

New Gold Profile
  • Production
    • 2012… 500,000 oz’s (New Ashton)
    • 2013… 600,000 oz’s (El Morro)
    • 2017… `1M ounce production (Blackwater)
  • Reserves
    • Proven & probable… 8.3M oz’s Au; 46.4M oz’s Ag; 2.8B lbs cu
  • Cash Costs
    • 2012… $230
    • 2013… $60
  • Resource Base – 17M oz’s Au; 132M oz’s A
  • Measured & Indicated… 12.9M oz’s Au; 83M oz’s Ag; 3.5B lbs Cu
  • Inferred… 4M oz’s Au; 48.5M oz’s Ag; 1.1B lbs Cu

Target Market Cap… $15 - $20 Billion

AuRico Gold AUQ-T

Share Price… $11.96
Shares Out… ~280M (post NGX merger)

Market Cap… $3.3B (post Northgate merger)

Q2 Production Highlights

Production… 118,871 ounces
Costs… $620 (consolidated)
Net income… ~$63 million (before extraordinary expenses)
EPS… $0.22; $0.88 annualized (consolidated)
PE… 13.6

Aurico Gold recently announced a business combination with Northgate Minerals to create one of the preeminent mid-tier miners in the sector. The the fact that this company will be producing 730,000 ounces of gold by 2013 with the potential to produce in excess of 1 million ounces once Young-Davidson is in full production makes Aurico Gold a mid-tier threat that you cannot ignore. In fact it is a top pick of the group with both favorable silver exposure and a massive half a million ounce per year project like Young Davidson. The market reacted quite badly to the business combination because on the surface it looks like Aurico is taking over a high cost producer in Northgate Minerals, but Northgate has arguably the best high impact project in Young Davidson expected to produce 500,000 oz’s of gold per year at cost of around $400 per ounce. Northgate has mines in Australia that operate at around a $900 per ounce cash cost, but other than those 180,000 ounces, any future ounces that Aurico and Northgate produce are expected at less than $500 per ounce.

The business combination is one that has great synergies as Aurico has all the current low cost production being able to help fund the massive Young –Davidson project interanally. This project will be the backbone of the company’s production one day. Northgate Minerals also triples Aurico’s gold resource from 4.5M oz’s to 13.1M ounces in all categories. Aurico has another 208M ounces of silver. Currently the company is producing 500,000 ounces with 180,000 being at $900 per ounce while the rest of the company’s production is expected at less than $500 per ounce of gold. AUQ once it has eaten through this transaction is another high impact intermediate producer with a long term growth profile of over 1 million ounces of gold.

  • Industry leading cash cost producer less Australian operations
  • 1 million ounce production potential run rate
Aurico Gold Profile…
  • Production
    • 2012… 636,000 oz’s
    • 2013… 730,000 oz’s
    • 2015 - ?... 1M ounce potential
  • Cash Costs
    • 180,000 – 200,000 oz’s @ ~$900 / ounce
    • Rest of production <$500 going forward
  • Resource Base – 13.1 M oz’s Au; 208M oz’s Ag
    • Measured & Indicated… 9.12M oz’s Au
    • Inferred… 3.88M oz’s Au
  • Reserves
    • Proven and Probable… 5.1M oz’s

Target Market Cap… $10B - $15B