Jimmy Pattison and Benson & Hedges Enter the Cannabis Industry
I don't think there can be any bigger news to date for the Cannabis industry. You knew it was coming eventually (a cigarette company at least), and it is all but official and rubber stamped and sealed; but hear it this early and to find out exclusively through Beat the Market has yours truly with 12 inch grin from ear to ear.
Jimmy Pattison and Benson & Hedges have gone big into Medical Marijuana.
To hear about a PM owned company getting into POT? Not surprising, especially when I have been hearing analysts talking about cigarette companies using their war chests to buy into the E-cigarette game. Obviously cannabis is the other area of growth for this industry and Phillip Morris has already staked their claim in Canada teaming up with BC BUD and the richest dude in Canada, Jimmy Pattison. Cannabis has major synergies with e-cigarettes with vaporizing concentrates like budder and shatter becoming a widely popular choice of consuming cannabinoids, ovbiously if you are getting into E-Cigs... cannabis products play a major role in this up and coming market.
The irony eh?
That a 'Cancer Stock' is getting into the business of a substance that prevents cancer and may even play a major role in most cancer treatments in the future. Does this take Phillip Morris and others out of the sin bin? If you think Cannabis will play a major role in curing cancer... it most likely will in your mind.
What it does do, is give the industry some much needed credibility and reputation. It brings instant credibility to cannabis and the required capital needed to bring this industry forward. It will also be a major out for many of these companies as majors like PM open up their war chests to grow by acquisition.
It means legalization is a foregone conclusion now that PM and Jimmy have entered the fray.
Legalization is going to be sped up dramatically. If you are reading between the lines, the powers that be seem to be banking on a change in politics at the top with Justin Trudeau and the Liberals... and with Canada's finance minister stepping down yesterday... the winds of political change in Canada continue to blow across the country.
You wondered where all this POT lobby money is coming from?
Now you know.

I can tell you right now... PM isn't getting into the game for for MMJ. Nope. PM sees widespread legalization and with the massive success of Colorado this year has ony confimred the lucrative cash cow this industry represents. And with all the inremental tax revenue pooring in... govts are goingto be much less resistive to change.
To be sure... Jimmy Pattison wasn't calling me telling me the 'good news'. I am sure this a begrudging decision at best. One that gets tempered when he realizes this move could double or even triple his net worth. Something billionaires seem to get excited about.
So I am sure he isn't that unhappy.
I am also pretty sure I am not even supposed to know. But funny things always seem to happen and for some reason when it comes to my grandfather; I always seem to find out the darnedest things... for whatever strange reason, it is exceptionally hard to keep a secret from me. People find out I am his grandson and all of a sudden I am a magnet for the all the stories of the bad things he's done and gotten away with over the years.
A magnet!!!
I know stuff Jimmy has hidden from Maureen from 40 years.
At any rate...
When you are a big freaking rich dude getting into the pot business and order 1000 KW watt light bulbs to Whistler. People are going to talk. When you have warehouses stuffed to the brim with POT...
You can't keep that a secret!!!
Especially when you are big ass billionaire like Jimmy.
The cannabis community is small and tight knit... and people will always talk. So here it is...
My ex, Rachael sent me a text simply saying she heard...
"your granps has warehouses full of pot."
"Oh, really? Can you send me an article or link?" I asked.
"No, I was just having lunch with someone whose brother is a medical grower in Washington. He told her. "
"Oh, and apparently he is working with Benson and Hedges and some other cigarette company."
My jaw literally dropped. I am only now coming down from the excitement. You have no idea. If Jimmy had asked me personally what to do to expand his empire... Buying stocks is fun, but the Warren Buffet way is slow, methodical, and somewhat boring and doesn't connect with the proletariat.
Cannabis is the slam dunk industry... and the proletariat will love you.
Buying some billionaires some time in their regions...
The biggest opportunity the next decade is to establish a major blue chip company in cannabis.
Several Blue chippers in fact!!!
The old man in the Shaw Tower is showing me something at 112 years of age that I didn't think possible...
That even the the most entrenched positions can change.
(I had written myself off years ago...)
People really don't have incentive to lie, but I still only have a hear-say rumor... So what do I do?
I run down to my club to confirm the rumor. Sure enough Eric from the Green Cross of BC confirms Benson & Hedges ordered 1,000 KW bulbs to Whistler.
And then everything that has been going on the last 6 months at the Green Cross all starts to sense realizing most likely I was vaporinzing test concentrates by yours truly.
- The instant availability of top of the line concentrates from the best strains in the province at the Club.
- The court injunction in BC allowing concentrates.
- The attempt to make me a cannabis writer at InvestorIntel
Jimmy's in the MMJ business!!!
Apparently some of you are upset I am not giving many MMJ picks.
There is Abattis Bioceuticals ATTBF or ATT.C... Remember that one? I only promoted the company in 2012. Even my rolled back 5:1 options are worth a pretty penny today.
There is Enertopia ENRT or TOP.C... not as good as Abattis but a decent BC company.
My newest Canadian addition is Satori Resources BUD.V and has the best chance for further appreciation hiring a Canadian fund manager with expertise in MMJ this week. If BUD cuts a track like ENRT or ATTBF... BUD could easily fly to $0.60 over the next few weeks.
What most have to understand that as of next week the court injunction comes down allowing medical users to continue growing. This court decision is essential in making the Canadian investing scene 'ethical'. It also makes the medical marijuana industry in Canada a literal Free-For-All while proper rules are made that are fair and equitable to everyone. For cannabis... Laissez Faire economics should be the way to go and provide legislation as we go... it is harmless and people shouold be allowed to go full bore into something that has been restiricted for nearly a century. The court case is expected to last into 2016 creating an environment for companies and patients to thrive, experiment and provide insight and direction on where regulations should go.
For the next two years... Canada has a Libertarian Marijuana Market. And then we see what happens at the election. This is the best way for everyone to play catchup and allows companies like Benson annd Hedges to get ahead of the game without govt restriction.
The FEDS have a fucked up the rules so badly... they have created a Wild Wild West environment for medical marijuana with Jimmy leading the charge out west. The current medical marijuana market in Canada can only be described as chaotic .. proof is Jimmy and Benson and Hedges...
Do you see them on Health Canada's list of approved suppliers?
Christopher Skidmore
I don't think it a good idea to be associated with those big corporation the did enough damage,
ReplyDeleteLet do this the right way,Also keep it here IT about jobs, It a new concept it time new entrepreneur to make happen Not the Marlboro Men to get high,Tweed do a excellent job at it even DEA follow their progression,and concept with big cooperation we will lose the objectivity