I am the next Jim Dines!!!

Why do you subscribe to Beat the Market or any 'newsletter'? 

Stock picks right?  Wrong.
Investing themes? Nope.
Slam dunk momentum trades? They are nice, but no cigar.
To be entertained?  Ya we could all use a Gartman in our lives.

Seriously... if you are subscribing for one of these wonderful benefits of my newsletter.. you have missed the point and can't see the 'Pig Bicture'.

Maybe its dyselxia, who knows why you've missed it...?

The reason you should be subscribed to my newsletter or any other for that matter is the simple fact I am always "Ahead of the Curve".

It is why JIM DINES has all the subscribers....

.....And at a $100 fucking dollars... Beat the Market has never been a better deal.  

You can't call your broker and sell a stock for less than a $100 fucking dollars!!!

 But you won't subscribe to my newsletter that puts you on to a stock that makes you a $100 GRAND?!?!?!
.....Or a million?!?!?!  

You can lead a horse to water... but you can't make him drink.  Boy ain't that the case.


I am so far ahead of the curve I have been treating my HIV since I was diagnosed 8 years ago.  Not treating side effects of HAART no... I have never take a HAART pill in my life.  No.  

I treat my HIV with cannabis... a full 5 years before the first available literature that I can find on the internet. 

You subscribe to us newsletter guys cuz we write/make the news and seldom report it.  We are leading hte pack and seldom following it.  We are big idea guys, the big picture guys, we put all the peices together and make sense of it and see the future.  

Some people  even think I am psychic my talents are so uncanny... no I am not psychic.   I just give you good vehicles to trade, good investmet ideas AND try and entertain you in the process.

A newsletter writer doesn't quite fit your average crowd, and if they did fit into your average crowd... most likely we would be following the herd like the rest of you and not leading it!   In a way, we are glorified shepherds guiding the herd through the pastures of the market.

So this is how it is going to be.  Beat the Market is a $100 per year rag.  You are not going tp find a better fucking deal anywhere.   Why? 

 I want the retail crowd.  I don't 100 subscribers paying $500.  I want 100,000 paying $100.

If you haven't figured it out... 

Jim Dines can't live for ever and I am positioning myself to be the next BIG IDEA guy.  

Beat the Market is here to stay.   

With the injunction about to happen... Canadian Medical Marijuana becoms much more ethical and Beat the Market can resume business.  But still... the injunction leaves the entire system in choas... 

Please tell Stephen Harper the current rules are unacceptable... legalization is the ultimate solution obviously.  Petition | Save Medical Marijuana in Canada | Change.org

If you really want to know more about Christopher Skdimore...

Beat the Market 2014

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