Thursday, June 13, 2013

Big "Little Steps' Towards a Mine to Market Graphene Company

BIG ‘Little Step’ in Developing a Mine to Market Graphene Company

Lomiko Metals LMR.V
Share Price... $0.07
Shares Out... 67.9M
Market Cap... $4.7M

Lomiko Metals LMR.V
 continues to strengthen the management team and position itself in the dynamic graphene space developing a strong vision and strategy for the future of Lomiko Metals.  Lomiko has added Graphene Lab's principles Dr. Elena Polyakova and Dr. Daniel Stolyarov to its advisory board and also made some important announcements regarding the vision of the company.   They announced their involvement in a strategic partnership with Graphene Labs and researchers from Stony Brook University to investigate and develop novel, energy focused applications for graphene.  The novel, energy focused applications include the development of a commercial products including Graphene Super-Capacitors and materials that will replace synthetic graphite in the anode of lithium ion batteries similar to graphene nano-platelets which hold a lot of promise in dramatically upgrading the next generation of lithium ion batteries.

This is a big ‘little step’ for Lomiko Metals as it brings together the right people and more importantly three key components making a great foundation in building a vertically integrated (mine to market) graphene company.
  1. Lomiko has the raw goods in a high quality flake graphite deposit in Quatre Milles. 
  2. Graphene Labs has the human capital to manufacture any 2D material available.
  3. Stony Brook University has the ingenuity ‘outside the box thinkers’ who will be developing applications for graphene.  

Last week Lomiko followed through with the announcement of their intentions to develop graphene related technologies by creating a Research and Development Department and naming Dr. Elena Polyakova and Dr. Daniel Stolyarov from Graphene Labs to head up this division.

 “We’ve been working with Dr. Polyakova and Dr. Stolyarov to develop an action plan for Lomiko Metals. With their help Lomiko is positioned to participate in the graphene revolution.” “Building an R&D capacity means Lomiko will have a head start on the commercial, end use applications which will drive the graphene- graphite business in the future.”
 Paul Gill, CEO of Lomiko Metals
These are exciting times for Lomiko Metals as the company continues to grow and morph from a TSXV exploration company into a company with a focused strategy who is leading the charge in developing and bringing to revolutionary products to market.  Products which promise to disrupt the market place No other company has positioned itself better to have material success off The Great Graphene Race.

Building a mine to market graphene company is  going ‘where no company has gone before’considering graphene is at the cutting edge of technology and research and was only recently discovered.   There are NO GUARANTEES in a business venture where you are a pioneer except that you will be at the frontier… but it promises to be an exciting ride as Lomiko has identified two potential disruptive technologies that could revolutionize the market place in their respective industries.
  1. Graphene Super-Capacitors 
  2. Graphene Nano-Platelets

Graphene Super-Capacitors are so promising that the company who perfects Graphene Super-Capacitors could end up becoming the 21st century’s version of Energizer or Duracell. Duracell was sold by Gillette to Proctor & Gamble in 2005 for $11B and Energizer Holdings is a $6B market cap company.  Yes folks… that is how big Graphene Super-Capacitors promise to be.  When I talk about disruptive technology... a company that has success in developing and bringing to the marketplace Graphene Super-Capacitors, will easily hit that multi-billion dollar takeout price. I cannot stress enough that eventually graphene super-capacitors will replace all known batteries.
Graphene Super-Capacitors will replace every battery on this Earth once perfected

Graphene Super-Capacitors promise to take over virtually the entire battery market over the next two decades.  They promise to give us the freedom with electricity we all crave with our devices. We are slaves to the plug and this tiny little invention promises to liberate us from our cell phones and ipods... well sort of.

That would be... liberate us from the tyranny of the demands of electricity and further harmonize us with our technology. Tesla and electric vehicles are a huge revolution… but even the EV market will not be immune to Graphene Super-Capacitors and in 20 or 25 years or even earlier, Graphene Super-Capacitors may even replace the battery in electric vehicles. 

Developing Graphene Super-Capacitors is one of the HOLY GRAILS that graphene research technology has to offer.  The desalination of water is another revolutionary technology that graphene promises to save our world...  but when it comes to profit and return... Super-Capacitors promise to change the way how we think about electricity.  When it comes to lithium ion batteries and electric cars, the excitement pales in comparison to the potential of what Graphene Super-Capacitors can offer.  Lithium Ion batteries are small potatoes to the impact that a company who successfully commercializes Graphene Super-Capacitors.  
  • Clean environmentally friendly batteries that you can put in your compost. 
  • Instant charging.
  • Ability to hold 100 times the charge and deliver the charge when required at the rate needed. 
  • No electricity wastage.  If the electricity is not required, it is not discharged even when ‘plugged in.’

Winning the “Great Graphene Race”

A big key to winning the “Great Graphene Race” is not only being a producer of graphene but also being directly exposed to the disruptive technology that graphene based materials promise to produce.  Actually participating in the research and development of your own products has a twofold advantage of ensuring demand for your own product if successful and not waiting for someone else to figure it out first and then wait for demand to materialize from their product and then after all of that having to fight to be the supplier.  Creating an R&D department is taking the “bull by horns” and essentially clearing your own path for your own graphene that you produce.

Was Timcal a pencil company or a graphite company first?  
Being a first mover developing a technology that everyone will adopt because of its advantages will guarantee the long term success of any sized company getting into the game today.    Lomiko and Graphene Labs have recognized this, that the best way of ensuring success is getting involved in all aspects of the Graphene Race and developed a solid winning strategy targeting one of the biggest impact areas and on of the most disruptive of technologies that graphene promises to produce.

Lomiko Metals LMR.V is the cheapest graphene company on the market.  Especially when you look at the sum of the parts of Lomiko’s Canadian peer, Focus Graphite FMS.V.   Both companies sit on high value graphite deposits.  Both companies have graphene production techniques although Graphene Labs actually sells graphene while Graphoid doesn’t.  Both companies are working on respective novel graphene applications.  One company is worth $4.4M and the other is worth $58.9M.  I cannot stress that a PEA does not make up a pricing disparity as big as this… Especially when all other graphite desposits are worth mateirally less.

Lomiko has put together a masterful strategy for success over the last 6 months while the market has completely ignored it.  Lomiko has made all the milestones that Focus has made and in some respects is much further ahead in actual graphene production through their partnership with Graphene Labs.

If you look at these two companies FMS V and LMR.V… THEY ARE VIRTUALLY IDENTICAL.   It is subjective if I say Graphene Super-Capacitors are better than the next generation Graphene Cooling Systems Focus Metals and Graphoid are participating in and impossible to say which technology will be more profitable as a business… but it is subjective to think Focus Metals is better as well considering the easily recognizable potential that Graphene Super-Capacitors offer. The fact of the matter is that Lomiko is MASSIVELY UNDERVALUED for the BIG ‘little steps’ the company has taken over the last two quarters.

Essentials of a ‘Mine to Market’ graphene company
Lomiko MetalsFocus Graphite
MineQuatre MillesLac Knife
Graphite ProductionBulk SamplePilot Plant
Interest in Graphene CompanyGraphene LabsGraphoid
Graphene ProductionProduces and sells all known graphene and other2D materialsFiled patent claim for novel graphene production
Graphene Technology NicheGraphene Super-Capacitors and energy focused applicationsGraphene Cooling Systems ad LED applications
University CollaborationStony Brook UniversityUniversity of Waterloo
Market Cap$4.4M$58.9M

When it comes to ground floor blue sky investing…  All you have to do is look at the evolution of Timcal over the last 105 years into the graphite giant it is today.  Graphene promises to make the same type of company today and Lomiko has positioned itself at the center of the revolution.
  1. All key components of a ‘Mine to Market’ graphene company.
  2. First Movers in Graphene Super-capacitor commercialization.

And to top it all off… you are placing your bets with some of the TOP SCIENTIFIC MINDS in the industry to make it all happen.  Lomiko has been massively ignored in a market that is still risk adverse and seeking only yield… but at some point… the opportunity becomes so great… the cost of not being invested in the graphene space becomes too great… at that point, whenever that point is… Lomiko’s SP will hit an inflection point and the share price will never ever look back.

Speculation in the Great Graphene Race has only at the beginning.  I was having a conversation with a high net worth investor the other day... His only question to me was.... What is Graphene?

Christopher Skidmore

Beat the Market Stock Picks

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