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Mineral Mountain Resources… Going For Gold
MineralMountainResources MMV
SP… $0.54
Shares Out… 36.6M
Fully Diluted… 47.2M
Market Cap… $20 million
Management Owns 42%
Coverage (Sept ’10) @ $0.41 +$0.13 / 31.7%
Just like our Canadian athletes earlier this year went for gold and stole the show last winter’s 2010 Olympics, Mineral Mountain is “Going For Gold” in an entirely different type of race. A race to be one of Canada’s next generation of microcaps turn billion dollar miners. Just like the Canadian athletes at the Olympics stole center podium, Mineral Mountain wants to dominant the podium in the mining industry with their eyes not on 1, but 3 potentially company making projects. Imagine Creso, Rainy River, and Atac all rolled into one and that is the potential you have with Mineral Mountain. Having the chance to get in on the ground floor of an operation like Mineral Mountain in a grassroots campaign are opportunities that only come once in a lifetime. Or twice now, as far as the Baker’s are concerned as they are the ones who started Rainy River from a $0.65 cent company and turned it into the $1B company it is today. They are now doing it all over again with Mineral Mountain Resources.
The Baker’s are becoming an iconic name in the mining industry as the family has their names on some of the best discoveries in Canada in the past 30 years. For some people, mining and exploration and prospecting run through the blood and in this family it runs deep. These guys are the ‘true grit’ type folk in the mining industry that will get the job done at every angle and have some of the best noses in the industry for prospecting economical deposits. Nelson Baker in his own right has had great success with the discovery of the Rainy River Gold Project and subsequent development of what was thought to be an uneconomical deposit into the current 5M oz resource, but in reality Nelson Baker and the rest of the family’s story starts with the prospecting genius of their late father Walter Baker.
Walter is the man who many consider the Godfather of the Hemlo discovery who first discovered a 3,000 ft long gold bearing shear zone in 1961 that later would become the core of claims that would host the Hemlo Discovery. Walter would have stake the claims himself, but thought it would be a conflict of interest with his employer, but suggested to Donald McKinnon to look into the claims in the area, which Donald did. Walter was awarded with prospector of the year in 1987 in recognition of the Hemlo discovery and also awarded the lifetime achievement award for tremendous discoveries and successes in the field. He also discovered Canada’s largest Platinum Palladium mine in Lac Des Isle.
Mining, exploration and prospecting run deep in the Baker family.
If anyone is going to pull off doing it twice… It’s going to be the Baker family. Walter Baker’s boys Nelson and CJ are carrying on the family legacy of exploration in Canada and following in their father’s footsteps with success in discovery. Although the 30M oz gold discovery still eludes these boys. To discover something as big as Hemlo and have their names beside their father’s as one of the biggest discoveries in Canada is the grand prize for Nelson and CJ.
Rainy River isn’t a 30M oz Hemlo or a 16M oz Platinum and Palladium mine so the boys are still hungry to find the ultimate in deposits like their father did. Success of one gold find is not enough and Nelson and the crew are doing it all over again at Mineral Mountain. Except they are thinking bigger this time… much bigger. One discovery is not going to satisfy this family as mining and prospecting run deep through the blood of all 3 Bakers. They also make the perfect team with Nelson as an engineer working in exploration, CJ with his masters working for the majors, and Brad, Nelson’s son who worked in the financial aspect of mining are all specialized and compliment each other with great synergies in human capital. They came together and did once already with Rainy River and now they are thinking bigger with Mineral Mountain.
If there ever was a family that success in discovery seems to follow wherever they go… It’s the Bakers.
Key Management Traits…
- Exploration – hands done one of the best prospecting families in Canada
- Skilled at finance & business management as demonstrated with Rainy River and initial funding of Mineral Mountain
- Ability to develop strategic partnerships and acquire projects with world class potential in acquisitions in Shining Tree and Straw Lake Project and Kootenay Arc
Whether it be the widespread gold targets in Shining Tree, to the past producing Hemlo style target at Straw Lake Beach Mine, or the Kootenay Arc Project with Carlin Trend type mineralization and bonanza silver veins… All 3 projects are camp like in nature and are worthy of being flagship properties. With 3 potential properties that could all be mines in the future, Mineral Mountain has their sights set on a VERY BRIGHT & BIG FUTURE.
Shining Tree
Developing the Next Timmins Style Gold Camp
Shining Tree is the first major project on the block to be aggressively explored by Mineral Mountain. Before Nelson started Rainy River, one of his choices at the time was joining Golden Harp in Shining Tree. Obviously Mr. Baker chose well with Rainy River, but now he is back in Shining Tree and has come together with Golden Harp jv’d their properties that make them one of the biggest landholder’s in the area with over 145 square kilometers in the heart of the district. Shining Tree has the potential to host several multimillion ounce gold deposits being on a major regional fault which is the west extension of the Larder Lake Cadillac Break and hosts world class deposits in Quebec such as Canadian Malartic and the Kirkland Lake deposit east of Shining Tree in Ontario. This area is drawing a lot of attention lately with Creso’s rich discovery at Minto and Trelawney’s potential World Class Cote Lake Discovery about 40km west of Shining Tree along the same regional fault structure.
Out of the 3 properties, Shining Tree is the first because it is the most advanced staged drill ready project waiting to add value to Mineral Mountain’s inventory. Shining Tree is one of the most cost effective places to drill in Canada with costs all in of about $125 per meter and is a year round story. With significant gold bearing targets already in place and one of the cheapest, lowest risk projects to add material value, Mineral Mountain is ready to deliver up materially in 2011 in respect to their Shining Tree projects.
The property hosts a north westerly trending package of Archean rocks that host numerous geological settings favorable for gold deposits. Mineral Mountain’s Shining Tree Properties have at least 3 regional gold bearing faults that cut across the property and are at least 20km in strike length. MMV has several drill ready targets in Shining Tree with 2 high priority targets in the GoldenSylvia Zone and the Cook Zone..
The Cook Zone (Block A)
The next Minto?
The most recent discovery on the property is the near surface high grade Cook Zone where gold mineralization is associated with felsic porphyry dikes intruded in brecciated calc-alkalic volcanic rocks which is of similar geology to Creso’s Minto deposit. The Cook zone is near theTyrrell Shear Zone which is a regional break that runs through Shining Tree similar in nature to the Destor-Porcupine and Cadillac Breaks. The Cook Zone is an exciting new discovery with above average economic potential. Just recently they announced thecommencement of a 10 hole 3,500 meter drill program to expand the high grade intercepts in the Cook Zone which is 6km to the East of the Minto Deposit.
Very good high grade shallow results include…
- 8.5 meters @ 5.03 g/t au
- 3 meters @ 21.41 g/t au
- 5.5 meters @ 11.9 g/t au
The Golden Sylvia Zone (Main Block)
A near surface bulk tonnage target
The Golden Sylvia Zone has potential to be a near surface bulk tonnage target and is a 200 meter wide gold bearing banded iron formation with a 4km strike length which has so far been defined for about 10% of the formation to a shallow 100 meter depth. The deposit is open in all directions and has significant potential for expansion with3.5 km of potential strike length to explore. So far The Golden Sylvia Zone has been defined along a 450 meter strike to a 100 meter depth. Historical IP and Mag surveys define numerous high priority targets that require follow up. MMV is planning an extensive drill program for the Golden Sylvia Zone to delineate a compliant NI43-101 resource in 2011.
The fall 2010 exploration program included…
- Grid line cutting
- Geological mapping
- 20km induced polarization survey over the Golden Sylvia Zone
Previous drill highlights include…
- 14.23 meters @ 2.57 g/t au
- 12.24 meters @ 3.56 g/t au
Mineral Mountain’s Shining Tree Property has numerous high priority targets that are yet to be investigated, 2 other targets that stand out on the project are…
The MC Zone (Block A) is a new partially defined gold zone that is the western extension of the Tyrrell Shear Zone which host the Temex 1.2M oz Juby deposit and Goldeye’s Big Dome Zone. The MC Zone is a 300 meter wide zone with near surface bulk tonnage potential and higher grade intersections at depth. The MC Zone has only been tested near surface and further evaluation is warranted to test the gold zone to its full potential.
The MC Zone is Highlights include…
- 43.75 meters @ 0.90 g/t au
- 61.8 meters @ 0.43 g/t au
- 7 meters @ 4.5 g/t au
The Copper Hill Zone (Main Block) has VMS potential which is located 200 meters south of the iron formation that strikes across the property. The Copper Hill Zone is an extensive altered zone with a known strike extent in excess of 5 km with copper values ranging from 0.634% cu to as high as 9.26% cu and gold values as high as 1.26 g/t. The Copper Hill Zone is hosted in a Rhyolite unit that is in a similar geological environment as the Sel Baie deposit in Quebec.
The Shining Tree Property is littered with gold and the MC zone and the Cook Zone were literally discovered right along the highway. The area is so rich in gold that previous operators literally pulled off to the side of the highway and started exploring. They didn’t even have to go in the bush! This indicates to me that the sweet spots and best parts of the zones are still waiting to discovered as the gold mineralization is traced further along strike and to depth in these rich gold zones. The gold zones in Shining Tree may prove to be very rich. If this camp is anything like others in the region, then most of these deposits will run very deep and will be mines for years to come.
Shining Tree is a great place for MMV to add material value developing advanced stage projects at a cost effective price without diluting the stock. The Shining Tree gold zones are low risk, established zones with huge exploration upside as Shining Tree being a vastly underexplored famous gold district that is now just receiving modern day exploration techniques after close to a 30 year ban in the area. Shining Tree is the perfect place for Mineral Mountain to kick off company operations and a few discoveries in Shining Tree and further delineation of these highly prospective gold zones towards economical resources, will add material value to MMV. Mineral Mountain could easily be a $1 stock upon discovery in the Shining Tree District. These projects alone merit Mineral Mountain’s $20 million market cap.
Straw Lake Mine Project
A Hemlo style target
Mineral Mountain recently optioned the Straw Lake Mine Project which is located some 60km northeast of Rainy River and south of the 1M oz Cameron Lake deposit near the Rainy River Gold Camp. Nelson and the gang believe after pouring through numerous historical data and making several trips to the property, that they may have a Hemlo style target at the Straw Lake Property. The property is at the intersection of 3 regional faults which is ideal for a large gold deposit and the mineralization at Straw Lake is associated with sericite-schist which is Hemlo Style mineralization. Straw Lake is a high grade historically producing mine at >10g/t before the mine was shut down due to World War 2, which is the same story in the Shining Tree District.
Straw Lake is a virtually untested property that has yielded significant intercepts and the rock surrounding the high grade material is untested representing significant lower grade ounces surrounding the mine. There have been several high grade intersections not followed up on and an extensive low grade interval 1 km from the deposit on the property that has never been followed up. The high grade intersections never followed up on include one intersection ofgreater than 60 g/t au over 3 meters.
From discussions with folks at Mineral Mountain, they believe they have at least a duplicate of Rainy River in a 5 – 10M oz gold project that could potentially rival Hemlo with a lot of resemblances to Hemlo style mineralization. If anyone can find the next Hemlo project, it’s the sons of who many consider to be the Godfather of the Hemlo discovery. The Straw Lake Mine Project is a project in itself that could be in the very least, another Rainy River and being at the intersection of not 1 but 3 regional faults puts Straw Lake in the right geological environment for a major gold deposit that could rival anything discovered in Southwestern Ontario to date… including Rainy River.
Straw Lake is a World Class Discovery in the making.
The Kootenay Arc Project
Carlin Style Mineralization
Last but certainly not last by any standards is Mineral Mountain’s flagship project, Kootenay Arc. Kootenay Arc has the greatest potential of them all and could be Shining Tree and Straw Lake combined. Mineral Mountain is appropriately named after this project and adequately describes the grand scope of the Kootenay Arc Project, literally, a mountain of minerals. Kootenay Arc has the potential to rival Atac’s recent carlin type Rackla Belt discovery and thecarlin type gold deposits in Nevada.
The Kootenay Arc Project covers an area 70 kms long by 15 km wide and is district scale in nature like Atac’s Rackla Belt. The project covers 80,000 hectares of Carlin-style mineralization that includes several high grade gold zones that are strike for up to 10 kilometers in scale. The scope of the Kootenay Arc Project is massive in scale and is where the long term viability of Mineral Mountain is long after the Shining Tree and Straw Lake Deposits have been exhausted.
The project is the site of an historic exploration rush in the region where high grade silver and placer gold were discovered in the area in1893. For the following 20 years prospectors mined the bonanza grade silver veins with ore that averaged more than $3000 a ton at today’s prices. The veins on the property average 1 – 10 meters in width and some have been traced for more than 1 kilometer in strike and have produced grades of up to 6,000 g/t of silver and 15 g/t gold. The Kootenay Arc project was considered one of the greatest mining camps of its time at discovery in the 1890’s, but the area has seen virtually no exploration since World War 1 and is a massive camp scale project that has the potential to host several world class discoveries.
The property is absolutely elephant in size, includes 5 former high grade silver producers and is virtually undrilled with only 8 short drill holes sunk into the entire 80,000 hectare property. Mineral Mountain has already identified 5 large tonnage prospects on the property. Just recently the company announced results of their summer exploration program which included defining several large Gold-Silver-Arsenic targets including a gold-arsenic anomaly 1000 meters long with up to 36.98 g/t au in grab samples and 8 g/t in soils which is very high grades for soil samples.
Results of the summer program include…
- Discovery of 7 new gold showings
- 25 new soil and rock geochemical anomalies
- Impressive soil samples with gold ranging from 4 g/t to 13 g/t and silver vales from 100 g/t to 200 g/t
The project’s greatest potential is the sediment hosted carlin style mineralization bulk tonnage target on the property that is similar in nature and scope to that of Nevada and the Yukon. Kootenay Arc is an elephant in the making and is a potential World Class Project with 80,000 hectares of virgin, untested land.
Just look at this color anomaly...
Mineral Mountain has 3 potential World Class Canadian Projects
Mineral Mountain is on track for success exploring and “Going for Gold” in 3 highly prospective areas in Canada. All in historical regions that have received little modern day exploration since the early 1900’s and all properties being strategic company building projects that cover district scale highly mineralized belts. Each project Mineral Mountain is aggressively exploring could be a company maker and are worthy of flagship project status. MMV has plans on aggressively exploring and developing all 3 and have carefully selected what they believe represent the best chances at multiple material and economical discovery in Canada.
MMV has one of Canada’s iconic exploration families at the helm, with discoveries such as Hemlo, Lac Des Isles and now Rainy River accredited to the Baker family name. The Bakers are at it again building a company from the ground floor in hopes of bringing not 1 company makers, but 3 massive projects to table. Mineral Mountain could be Canada’s next mining giant if the Baker family’s track record of success continues. Nelson and CJ are driven to make a discovery just as big as their father Walter’s Hemlo discovery back in 1961 and have found 3 potentially the best targets for a multiple multimillion ounce gold discoveries in Canada.
An investment like Mineral Mountain Resources only comes along once in a lifetime and is a great opportunity to get in on the ground floor with one of Canada’s iconic mining families doing it all over again building on their success with Rainy River. This time they are looking to build a mining giant with 3 district scale projects that could potentially make Mineral Mountain an iconic mining name for generations to come. If there ever was a family to blindly follow in this industry. It has gotta be the Baker family name.
Mineral Mountain is a solid buy at $0.50 going forward and is a company set on aggressively bringing material value to its shareholders “Going for Gold” in 3 up and coming mining districts in Canada.
Christopher Skidmore
Reporter for Beat the Market Stock Picks
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