Friday, July 30, 2010

The Next LSG?

Creso Exploration, continues to be in short demand as the share price has moved up another .10 today in the first hour to a peak of .79. If the trading yesterday and today is any indication of what is to come, CXT shares looks to be on the move in a big way and looks like CXT will be the next penny stock to shoot to gold mining stardom in the Timmins area.

I am excited about Creso because they have discovered an entirely new gold zone underneath the exciting discovery they already made this year.

When the began trading at the beginning of June they announced they discovered 65.7 meters grading 18.2 g/t au and 79.6 meters grading 4.61 g/t au. IN ONE HOLE!!!

65.7 meters grading 18.2 g/t au is the best intersection any gold explorer has pulled from the ground this year!!! You add the 2 intersections together from surface to 212 meters and you have a massive intersection with a value of over 1500 points on the rating scale.

With this high grade discovery being near surface it is a no brainer, and now they have hit an entirely NEW ZONE about 100m wide underneath it all which should assay at least 3 -5 g/t and not only that but in 4 separate sections they encountered VISIBLE GOLD. Creso is sitting on a huge deposit in Minto that is just waiting to be drilled out.

CXT has already paid out big with a 141% return since adding it the portfolio.

Good Luck!

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